Welcome to the Curtiss-Wright EQ PowerSuite™

Curtiss-Wright, introduces a comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed to streamline the EQ task, saving both time and money for utilities and engineers. Through license agreements with EPRI to provide both the Equipment Qualification Data Bank (EQDB) and the Environmental Qualification Management System (EQMS), and the recent acquisition of the System 1000™ Materials Aging and Radiation Effect Library, Curtiss-Wright is now able to offer all three tools in one package - the EQ PowerSuite™ (EQPS).

Equipment Qualification Databank (EQDB)

EQDB is the anchor to the EQ PowerSuite™ and is the delivery conduit through which both the System 1000™ Materials Aging and Radiation Effects Library and the Environmental Qualification Management System (EQMS) are granted. For more than 3 decades, nuclear industry professionals have relied upon EQDB to provide information and insights on environmental and seismic qualification of electrical and mechanical equipment. EQDB is the industry focal point and most cost-effective means to attain and maintain EQ knowledge, data and techniques. Providing data from more than 50 years of operating experience to the fingertips of EQ Engineers, EQDB significantly lowers the cost of EQ-related activities by reducing the man-hours expended for research, document retrieval, and the review of detailed equipment data. And especially, for time-sensitive activities such as reportability or operability determinations, the rapid retrieval of information can make a significant difference. Now more than ever, as new engineers are coming into the discipline, EQDB serves as the cornerstone resource for both historic and emerging EQ-related information.

And it’s more than just a database!  Other Benefits of EQDB include:

    • EQ Monthly Newsletter
      Stay abreast of industry wide EQ-related trends and events. 

    • Benchmarking Surveys
      Learn best practices from your peers with no-fee benchmarking survey services for emerging issues.

    • EQ Bulletins
      Be alerted on any emerging regulatory or technical issues, and high-profile topics related to EQ.

    • Annual EQ Technical Meeting
      Network and learn with your peers in the industry at the only Conference in the world specifically designed to 
      address the challenges of the EQ Discipline

    • Staff  Assistance
      EQ staff assistance is at your disposal for guidance on database searches and report retrieval.  

    • Supplemental Assistance
      Supplemental assistance for special needs is also available.  Our cadre of EQ professionals is available to 
      respond to a variety of emergent issues including, root cause analyses, EQ package preparations, component 
      assessments, help with responses to NRC requests and much more.  Supplemental assistance is quoted and billed 

System 1000™ Materials Aging & Radiation Effect Library

The System 1000™ is a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B compliant, safety-related Arrhenius calculator and material database. It has been the industry standard since 1985 and has been a value-added addition to EQDB since 2000. It is the only program that provides quality-assured activation energies and radiation data for thousands of materials coupled with independently verified Arrhenius algorithms used to calculate Qualified Life, Expected/Design Life, Accident Degradation Equivalencies, Test vs. Requirements, activation energies from time-temperature test data and more. System 1000™ access comes with every EQ PowerSuite™ membership.

Environmental Qualification Management System (EQMS)

EQMS is a value-added option to EQDB. EQMS is a Windows-based database application that provides a standardized electronic platform on which qualification can be documented and maintained in full compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B. Historically, utilities performed the EQ task independently of each other resulting in unnecessary duplicitous work. EQMS provides a standard platform that helps each member utility perform and share evaluations both internally and with each other. Through EQMS, shared generic evaluations can be used to identify qualified equipment and evaluate test results for plant-specific requirements; thus, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars on testing similar components. EQMS streamlines the EQ File maintenance and revision process. Because it is an electronic database, changes can be completed and reviewed in a matter of hours rather than weeks, without the need to replicate and maintain hard-copy working binders.

If would like to learn more about the EQ PowerSuite™ and how to obtain access to the many benefits of a subscription, please contact:

Attn: Rick Weinacht, Manager, Nuclear Technical Support
1350 Whitewater Drive
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
(208) 497-3544
[email protected]

Legend of Rights and Disclaimer Notice
Copyright (1981, 1991, 2001) Electric Power Research Institute, Inc., All Rights Reserved
This notice may not be removed from the program by any user thereof.
Neither EPRI, any member of EPRI nor any person or organization acting on behalf of them
Makes any warranty or representation whatsoever, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness of any purpose with respect to the program, or assumes any liability whatsoever with respect to any use of the program or any portion thereof or with respect to any damages which may result from such use. Restricted Rights Legend. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restriction as set forth in FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, or DFAR 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software, as appropriate.
Curtiss-Wright, under license to EPRI, maintains and makes the Equipment Qualification Data Bank (EQDB) available as an industry service.
The EQDB was established only for the purpose of disseminating information. Since the summary information in the data bank is not sufficient in and of itself to qualify equipment, the appearance of an item of equipment in EQDB does not necessarily imply that the equipment is qualified.
The EQDB was developed in accordance with sound engineering practice and professional standards. Curtiss-Wright, assumes no liability for any loss whatsoever arising from the use of EQDB, and makes no warranty, either express or implied, concerning its use.

Curtiss-Wright Subscriber Agreement
The information contained herein is intended solely for the use of Curtiss-Wright (Curtiss-Wright) subscribers in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Curtiss-Wright Subscriber Agreement. Use by individuals or organizations other than Curtiss-Wright subscribers, without the consent of Curtiss-Wright, is prohibited. Neither Curtiss-Wright nor any of its employees makes any warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, suitability for use, or timeliness of the information. By entering a user ID and password and logging on, I agree to abide by the Curtiss-Wright Subscriber Agreement.

If you have questions about or problems using the EQDB database, or if you need further information on the EQDB program, please contact a member of the EQDB staff at (208) 268-0150.